Dog Walking, Dog Sitting, Dog Overnight Care

Providing service to the communities of:
Cloverdale, Clayton Heights, Panorama Ridge, Yorkson, & Willoughby

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Dogs on Chains

Most pet owners realize the value of their pets and provide them with loving homes, plenty of food and water, shelter, attention, and veterinary care. Some particularly lucky ones even have a box of toys, a comfy dog bed and get to ride in the car sometimes.

However, not all dogs are so lucky and unfortunately, even within our family-oriented and often churchgoing communities, there are some who do not provide even the most basic care for their dog.

We all come across them once in awhile. The dog is tied to a tree on a short chain, skinny as a rail, pathetically lonely while no one pays any attention. Or maybe he’s left in a kennel in the yard, a prisoner within his small area. Often, there is no shelter from the sun in the summer or the cold in the winter.

People sometimes claim that they tie up their dog because they don’t want the dog in the house, but they want the animal for protection. However, if they were to really think about it, how much protection could be provided by a frail dog (or any dog) tied up on a three foot chain? If they were worried about criminals, they’re actually doing them a favour by containing the dog.

Some people don’t mean to be neglectful, but begin tying up their dog because they simply prefer their dog live outside. Lives get busy, the kids don’t do their chores, and the dog is all but forgotten.

Still others would like to treat their dog better but don’t know where to start. Poorly behaved or destructive in the house, the dog ends up back outside. The more time he spends outside alone, the more wildly excited, or possibly aggressive he acts when he finally does get some attention. It’s a vicious cycle that can be broken only through love, attention, patience and training.

If any of these scenarios apply to you and your dog, it’s not too late to change. Why not begin by going outside and giving him some food and water right now? Do it tomorrow too, and pet him while you’re at it. Take him off his chain and hang out with him on his leash a bit. Little by little you can change, and end up receiving the joy that your dog has to offer.

For the rest of our readers, I’m certain that each and every one of you is envisioning a neglected or abused dog that you know of who could really use some help. Don’t turn a blind eye any longer. Right now, make an anonymous report to your local animal control officer to investigate. You’ll be glad you did.